
In a week, the "Army of Drones" destroyed more than a hundred occupants and 25 Russian tanks

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Over the past week, the "Drone Army" destroyed more than 100 occupants, almost 200 strongholds and various military equipment of the Russian troops, including tanks, armored vehicles and artillery systems.

Over the past week, from May 12 to May 20, strike units provided by the "Army of Drones" destroyed more than a hundred occupants and almost twice as many strongholds of the Russian troops. This was announced by the Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov, UNN reports .


Drones have become an integral part of modern warfare, a critical element of it. Drones destroy enemies with minimal risks for our defenders. There should be more technology at the frontline - and there will be

- Fedorov said. 

Знищений танк та БТР: прикордонники показали, як зупинили штурм окупантів на Бахмутському напрямку 15.05.24, 16:43

According to the statistics of the "Army of Drones" last week, were destroye

  • 25 tanks
  • 62 guns
  • 35 units of radio equipment
  • 117 occupants
  • 36 armored combat vehicles
  • 1 air defense unit
  • 192 anchor points 
  • 14 SAUS
  • 105 trucks/units of special vehicles
  • 10 warehouses with BC/fuel
  • 4 MLRS units 


It is noted that the report includes data from a company of the NGU, a unit of the SBU, 15 companies of the Armed Forces and 1 unit of the State Special Communications Service. All units provided video evidence of the elimination of the targets.


The General Staff said that over the past day , Ukrainian troops hit two areas of concentration of Russian occupiers' personnel, four command posts, three artillery systems and an enemy anti-aircraft missile system.


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