
Humanitarian aid for children in Kherson region: international experts to help work with vulnerable families

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Kherson Regional State Administration and child protection specialists (UNICEF) discussed further cooperation in providing assistance to vulnerable children and their families in the region. Also, material and technical assistance to educational institutions and the creation of children's spaces to support children and their parents will continue, UNN reports .


A delegation from the United Nations Office in Ukraine (UNICEF), which implements projects aimed at protecting children's rights and providing financial assistance to foster and guardian families and adoptive families, visited Kherson. According to official information, Yaroslav Shanko, the deputy head of the Kherson Regional Administrative Office, met with UNICEF child protection specialists.

Among the key topics of discussion were child protection issues in Kherson Oblast and further cooperation in this area: creating mobile teams to work with vulnerable families, conducting lectures for parents to provide psychosocial support, and training social workers to provide quality services to vulnerable children and their families.

Херсонщина знову під обстрілами: росіяни поранили літнє подружжя24.01.24, 12:49

It is also stated that work will continue on creating children's spaces to support children and their parents and provide material and technical assistance to educational institutions.


The UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, during a meeting with representatives of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, discussed the continuation and strengthening of UNHCR's assistance to people affected by Russian shelling in Odesa region and IDPs.

Also UNN reportedthat a video about how Ukrainian children live with air raid alert appeared on the Telegram of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Ще чотирьох українських дітей вдалось повернути з рф та ТОТ25.01.24, 11:02

Ihor Telezhnikov



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