
Guerrillas discover russian military intelligence headquarters in Novorossiysk

 • 21760 переглядiв

Ukrainian guerrillas from the ATES movement have discovered the location of the russian Armed Forces intelligence headquarters in Novorossiysk, which is heavily guarded, and are reconnoitering russian military facilities in the occupied territories, passing information to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Guerrillas have found the building of the intelligence headquarters of the russian Armed Forces in Novorossiysk. This was reported by the underground movement "ATESH", UNN reports.


It is noted that Ukrainian partisans continue to reconnoiter russian military facilities in Novorossiysk. 

Agents of our movement discovered a military facility located at 1 Herzen Street. According to preliminary information, it is now the intelligence headquarters of the Russian Armed Forces. It is noteworthy that this facility is closely guarded by many patrols and posts around it

- the post reads. 

Кількість танків на станції в окупованій Євпаторії зменшилася, частина техніки на фронті - АТЕШ25.02.24, 15:08

Guerrillas emphasize that they are conducting reconnaissance of russian military facilities and passing all information to the Ukrainian Defense Forces. 


Guerrillas from the "ATESH" movement record the movement of goods throughout the temporarily occupied Crimea


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