
Groza and Naumenko became the new director of Olympex Coupe International, their accomplice in the likely illegal sale of grain to an American investor

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Alexander Dyatlev became the new director of Olympex Coupe International LLC, who in 2022 helped the beneficial owners – Odessa businessmen Sergei Groza and Vladimir Naumenko illegally export grain secured by a loan from an American investment fund, writes UNN.

According to the system you control On April 12, 2024, Alexander Dyatlev was appointed the new director of Olympex Coupe International LLC instead of Vitaly Marchenko.

Dyatlev is also the head of Cardinale LLC. The ultimate beneficial owners of both companies are Vladimir Naumenko, Sergei Groza's stepson Alexander Gorbunov, as well as a company with Russian connections GNT EUROPE SA, registered in Switzerland.

В Украине действует разветвленная система агрокомпаний со связями с рф. Что известно05.06.2024, 10:18

As stated in the decision of the Pechersk District Court of Kiev, the Main Investigative Department of the National Police is investigating criminal proceedings 12022000000001431, opened under part 5 of Article 191 (appropriation or embezzlement of someone else's property on an especially large scale by an organized group of persons) and part 1 of Article 388 (illegal actions against property that is secured) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

According to the investigation, from January 28, 2021 to August 2022, officials of Olympex Coupe International LLC, together with the beneficial owners of the company, Sergei Groza and Vladimir Naumenko, took possession of $ 20 million in loan funds provided by the American fund, which caused damage to it on a particularly large scale.

The investigators also noted that Naumenko and Groza directly or indirectly control a number of companies in Ukraine. Among them, including Cardinale LLC.

According to the data that the police received from the State Customs Service, in the period from February 24, 2022 to December 26, 2022, companies controlled by Naumenko and Groza exported 35,547,353.43 kg of agricultural products, worth $ 18.7 million. Investigators believe that these products correspond in appearance to the one that was pledged by the American fund and disappeared from the warehouses of the Olympex grain terminal, which at that time was managed by Olympex Coupe International LLC.

Бизнесмены Гроза и Науменко торговали украинским зерном с подсанкционной компанией из "контрабандного списка"? 04.06.2024, 10:53

"Exported agricultural products were stored in warehouses of LLC SUKHOLESKY ELEVATOR, LLC KRYZHOPILSKY ELEVATOR, LLC NOVOGRAD-VOLYNSKY ELEVATOR and LLC BERDICHEV-GRAIN (controlled by Groza and Naumenko – ed.) and partially alienated by LLC CARDINALE, which gives reason to believe that such agricultural products were alienated through the aforementioned companies," the court said in its ruling.

The prosecution stressed that, given the method of committing crimes and the change of founders of a number of companies controlled by Groza and Naumenko, it can be concluded that officials and the ultimate beneficial owners of the above-mentioned companies commit actions aimed at concealing and dispersing corporate rights in companies and their assets in order to avoid compensation in favor of the American fund for the harm caused criminal offenses.

After that, it becomes clear why the director of Olympex Coupe International was replaced. After all, after the company started having problems with American investors, it turned out that it appeared in a number of criminal proceedings on tax evasion and gray grain exports.

Подконтрольные Грозе и Науменко компании годами уклоняются от уплаты налогов благодаря "серому" экспорту зерновых из терминала "Олимпекс"29.05.2024, 14:15


Earlier UNN found out that the company of the famous smuggler Vadim Alperin "Agiros", which participated in the scheme of gray "export" of grain from the Olympex terminal in the Odessa region in 2023, when it was managed by the companies of Odessa businessmen Sergei Groza and Vladimir Naumenko, exported more than 20 thousand tons of corn to Egypt. Probably, this is exactly the grain that was pledged by American funds and was allegedly disposed of


The GNT Group of companies, owned by businessmen Sergei Groza and Vladimir Naumenko, in 2019 and 2021 received investment loans from two American funds for the development of the Olympex grain terminal in the Odessa region, which it owned at that time.

Having decided not to return the funds to creditors, Groza and Naumenko took loans from the Ukrainian banks Vostok and Yuzhny secured by the property of the grain terminal, which was already secured by the Americans. 

Through the scheme using controlled companies and Ukrainian banks, they resold the property of Olympex several times, thus trying to maintain control over the terminal.

Ukrainian law enforcement officers have opened several criminal cases in connection with the situation around the "Olympex". And creditors, in turn, demand the return of their funds in international arbitrations and quite successfully. In particular, the English court decided to freeze the assets of Groza and Naumenko worldwide. 

You can read more about the conflict over the Olympex grain terminal in the article: "Groza and Naumenko's company GNT Group blocked the operation of the grain terminal in Odessa. Detailed chronology of the conflict

Lilia Podolyak



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