
General staff: there were 100 military clashes in a day, the situation remains tense in the Kurakhovsky and Pokrovsky directions

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Since the beginning of the day, there have been 100 military clashes. The situation in the Kurakhovsky and Pokrovsky directions remains the hottest. This is reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reports UNN.


During the day, the enemy launched one massive missile and air strike on the territory of Ukraine, using 19 missiles of various types, two missile strikes (using three missiles), 52 air strikes (including 74 Kabami), used 554 kamikaze drones and carried out more than 2,980 attacks on the positions of our troops and settlements using various types of weapons

- General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Situation on directions

On Kharkivske: there were 2 military clashes. The Ukrainian armed forces repelled an enemy attempt to advance in the area of the village of Staritsa.

On Kupyansky: the enemy tried 9 times to push the defenders out of their positions. However, the Ukrainian forces repelled 6 assault actions of the invaders in the areas of the settlements of Sinkovka, Petropavlovsk, Stepnaya Novoselovka, Myasozharovka and Druzholyubovka. Consequently, there were no losses of positions, the situation is controlled. Fighting continues near Druzholyovka, Andreevka and Ivanovka.

On Limanskoye: Ukrainian soldiers repelled an enemy attempt to attack positions in the Serebryansky forest. The situation is under the control of the Defense Forces.

On Seversky: 11 attacks of a terrorist country were recorded. The Ukrainian armed forces repelled 8 enemy assault actions in the areas of Belogorovka and Razdolovka. No losses of positions were allowed.

On Kramatorsk: there were 9 military clashes. The Defenders of Ukraine repelled 8 attempts by the russian invaders to attack near the settlements of Kalinovka, Belogorovka, Klishcheyevka, Andreevka and Chasov Yar. The situation is tense.

On Toretsk: the enemy's attack from Zaitseve in the direction of Kurdyumovka was repulsed, no losses of positions were allowed.

On Pokrovsky: the invaders made 21 attempts to push the defenders back from their positions. 9 enemy attacks from the area of the settlement of Ocheretino were not successful. In addition, the Ukrainian armed forces repelled 8 assaults near Sokol, Novoselovka Pervaya, Yasnobrodivka and Umansky. Two military clashes continue near Sokol and Ocheretny.

On Kurakhovsky: there were 21 enemy attacks, of which 17 assault operations were successfully repelled near Krasnogorovka, Georgievka, Novomikhailovka and Vodiane. At the same time, the enemy does not give up trying to push through our defensive lines in the area of Krasnogorovka, where 4 more military clashes are taking place. The situation is under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On Vremovsky: there were 5 military clashes, 4 of which were repulsed in the areas of Urozhayny and Staromayorsky. However, another attack continues to be repelled near Urozhaynoye. The situation is under control.

On Orekhovsky: 5 attacks of the invaders were recorded, where The Defenders repelled two in the area of Malaya Tokmachka. Now there are battles in the areas of the settlements of Maly Shcherbaki and Novoandrievka. The situation is tense. Ukrainians are taking measures to stabilize the situation.

On Pridneprovsky: 8 enemy attempts to push back Ukrainian units on bridgeheads on the Left Bank of the Dnieper, near Krynok, were repulsed. The situation is under control.

Генштаб: від початку доби на фронті відбулося 84 бойові зіткнення, левова частка - на Курахівському та Покровському напрямках30.05.24, 20:56


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