
FSB agent tried to recruit adjusters in Sumy region: detained

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The SBU detained an FSB agent who was collecting information about military-industrial enterprises in Sumy region to prepare for new Russian air strikes.

The Security Service's counterintelligence detained another FSB agent who was preparing a new series of Russian air attacks on Sumy region. This was reported by the press service of the SBU, UNN reports .

The main task of the defendant was to collect geolocations and up-to-date information about local defense industry enterprises. To do this, the agent regularly traveled around the area and "in the dark" asked her acquaintances for the information she needed during everyday conversations,

- the statement said.


It is noted that the agent tried to establish contacts with former and current employees of defense plants. In case of identifying "like-minded people", the agent planned to involve them in her own network of informants and offer money from the FSB.

However, the Security Service thwarted the enemy's plans, documented the criminal actions of the defendant and detained her red-handed when the FSB agent was filming one of the facilities.

According to the investigation, the enemy's accomplice is a former nurse, an ideological supporter of racism. The woman kept in touch with her relatives who live in Russia and support the armed aggression against Ukraine.

It was through her relatives that the FSB remotely recruited the suspect and identified her curator. The SBU has already identified him. He was a staff member of one of the FSB regional offices.

The Russian secret service officer and his agent used an anonymous chat in a messenger to communicate with each other. During the search, the SBU seized mobile phones with evidence of criminal actions. SBU investigators served her a notice of suspicion under Part 2 Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason committed under martial law). The offender is in custody. She faces life imprisonment.

FSB agent group neutralized in Odesa: one of the agents used wigs for conspiracy7/2/24, 10:31 AM


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