
French writer Begbeder detained in rape case

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French writer Frédéric Begbeder was detained for questioning in Pau in connection with rape allegations following a complaint from a young woman.

French writer Frédéric Begbeder has been detained at the police station in Pau, where he was summoned for questioning, UNN reports with reference to France Bleu.


Writer Frederic Begbeder was summoned to the police station in Pau. The information was confirmed by prosecutor Rodolphe Jarry. A preliminary investigation has been launched into the rape, a police source told franceinfo.

According to information gathered by franceinfo, last summer a young woman filed a complaint against the writer. She claims to have had consensual sex with him for the first time and then non-consensual sex the same night. The events took place in a hotel room.

Earlier in the day, the prosecutor's office clarified that this was a "drug-related case" without further comment.


Frеdеric Bagbeder is a French novelist, publicist, literary critic, editor, screenwriter, actor and director.

The well-deserved fame of one of the most interesting modern French writers was brought to Frédéric Begbeder by the novels "Memories of a Young Man" (1990), "Holidays in a Coma" (1995), "Love Lives Three Years" (1997), "Tales under Ecstasy" (1997), " Romantic egoist", "99 francs", which became the leader of book sales in 2000 in France.

Antonina Tumanova

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