
French Defense Ministry does not confirm sending its instructors to Ukraine

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The French Ministry of Defense did not confirm the sending of its military instructors to Ukraine, saying that this is one of the projects being discussed after the conference in support of Ukraine convened by President Macron.

The French Ministry of Defense has not confirmed the information about sending its military instructors to Ukraine. This is stated in the response of the French Ministry of Defense in response to a request from the AFP agency, UNN reports .


Training on Ukrainian soil is one of the projects discussed after the conference in support of Ukraine convened by French President Emmanuel Macron on February 26. Like all the projects discussed on this occasion, it continues to be a subject of work with Ukrainians

the message says.

The agency added that they are studying the needs of the Armed Forces to make cooperation more effective.


Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi said that French instructors would soon visit Ukrainian training centers and familiarize themselves with their infrastructure and personnel.

Франція відправить в Україну інструкторів для підготовки військових - Сирський 27.05.24, 18:36


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