
Former head of Zaporizhzhia JCCC to be tried for involving military in repair of own real estate

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The former head of the Zaporizhzhia regional territorial center for recruitment and social support will be tried for abuse of office. The man involved the military in the construction of his own house. This was stated by the State Bureau of Investigation, reports UNN.


The official was detained last summer. He is accused of unjustifiably accruing increased payments to his close subordinates in the amount of more than UAH 1 million.

During the investigation of this case, new facts of abuse by the former military commissar were revealed.

In the same year, 2023, the official decided to use military personnel to repair his new house. He engaged employees of the district military enlistment offices in the work.

Investigators found out that instead of serving, military personnel worked at a construction site with full financial support for the military. The official illegally issued orders for the military to be sent on a business trip and signed documents on unjustified charges and payments.

Thus, in February-July 2023, instead of serving, three employees of Zaporizhzhia district military commissariats periodically performed repair work in the military commissar's building.

The former official was served a new notice of suspicion. He is currently accused of abuse of office and aiding and abetting military service evasion (Article 364(1) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, Article 27(5), Article 28(2), Article 409(4) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The sanction of the articles provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 10 years

- the SBI said. 


Law enforcers exposed a former employee of the Dariia colony who worked for the invaders during the occupation of Kherson region. After liberation of the occupied territory, he went to serve in the TCC in Odesa region. 


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