
Fire was extinguished for almost 60 hours: Kharkiv Regional Military Administration tells details of the fire at the oil depot due to russian shelling

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More than 200 rescuers spent nearly 60 hours extinguishing a 4,000-square-meter fire at an oil depot in Kharkiv Oblast that was damaged by russian shelling.

More than 200 rescuers were engaged to eliminate the consequences of the russian strike on the oil depot, working for almost 60 hours. This was reported by the head of the Kharkiv Regional Emergency Management Agency, Oleh Syniehubov, on his Telegram channel, UNN reports


For two and a half days, Kharkiv rescuers have been eliminating the consequences of the terrible russian terror in the Nemyshlyansky district of Kharkiv

- Syniehubov said.

According to him, firefighters spent almost 60 hours extinguishing the fire, which covered almost 4,000 square meters. The head of the JFO said that more than 200 rescuers from 36 units were involved in eliminating the consequences of the russian shelling.

На Харківщині рятувальники ліквідували пожежу на нафтобазі, яка виникла внаслідок обстрілу росіян 9 лютого12.02.24, 14:18

More than 60 people were rescued and evacuated. The rubble has been cleared. And today we have completed the cleanup

- Sinegubov summarized.


On the night of February 10, russian troops attacked Kharkiv with "shaheds." As a result of the russian attack, civilian infrastructure was hit by drones.

In addition, several large-scale fires broke out. Later , the head of the Investigation Department of the regional police, Serhiy Bolvinov, said that the occupiers had hit the oil depot, which caused a leak of fuel and lubricants.

Внаслідок обстрілу Харкова загинула багатодітна родина10.02.24, 11:02

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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