
Protocols regarding officials from the Sumy region, Lviv region and the deputy chairman of the OPU: the NAPC summed up the results of work for February

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The NACP drew up protocols against officials in Sumy and Lviv for failing to report corruption and conflicts of interest. In addition, the NACP drew up a protocol against the Deputy Head of the Prosecutor General's Office Rostyslav Shurma for violating the conflict of interest legislation.

Last month, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption drew up a number of protocols on administrative offenses. This was reported by the NAPC press service, UNN writes.


It is noted that in February, the NACP also issued an order on violation of the legislation on ethical behavior, prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest.

НАЗК закликає посадовців уникати публічного використання нецензурної лексики31.01.24, 18:38

In particular, the NACP sent a protocol to the Kovpakivskyi District Court of Sumy against the acting deputy head of the investigation department of the Sumy District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police of the region on the grounds of an administrative offense under Part 1 of Article 172-9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Upon detecting a corruption offense, he failed to take the measures provided for by law, namely, he failed to enter information into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations upon a reasonable conclusion of the NACP. 

The conclusion stated that officials of the Sumy Regional Charitable Foundation for Health Care Development misappropriated charitable aid through abuse of office (part 4 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). To conceal this fact, the official provided the NACP with false information about the pre-trial investigation allegedly initiated on the basis of a substantiated conclusion under Art. 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine  

- the agency summarized.

Also, a report on committing an administrative offense related to corruption under Art. 172-7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses was drawn up against the Head of the Legal Support Department of the Main State Tax Service in Lviv region, a member of the commission on suspension of registration of a tax invoice/adjustment calculation in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices. 

It was established that at the meeting of the aforementioned commission, he failed to report the existence of a conflict of interest and, acting in the context of a real conflict of interest, made a decision regarding a legal entity whose director is a close person.

In addition, in February, the NACP drew up a protocol on administrative offenses related to corruption under parts 1, 2 of Article 172-7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses against the Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine (Rostyslav Shurma - ed.).

He (Shurma - ed.) organized the Electricity Committee at the Presidential Administration, at whose meetings he took part in discussions and made a number of decisions. In particular, regarding payments to companies that produce electricity from alternative sources for the product they produce. Including seven companies whose ultimate beneficial owner is his own brother.

- explained in the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption.

The NACP also issued an order to the mayor of Starokostiantyniv demanding to eliminate the direct reporting relationship between him and his wife, who holds one of the senior positions in the staff of the Starokostiantyniv City Council. 

Майже 1,5 мільйона декларацій подали українські чиновники під час кампанії 2021-2022 років - НАЗК01.02.24, 19:46

The agency explained that in 2023, he registered a marriage with a subordinate, which resulted in a relationship of direct subordination, which is a violation of the restrictions set forth in Article 27 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption".

In addition, prior to the marriage, the mayor gave bonuses to a subordinate who was his fiancée and with whom he had an off-duty relationship.

Based on this fact, the NACP drew up and sent to the National Police a substantiated conclusion that the actions of the mayor constituted a corruption-related offense - violation of the requirements for preventing and resolving conflicts of interest 

- the agency summarized.


A special commission has elected Viktor Pavlushchyk as the new head of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption in Ukraine. Previously, he worked as the head of the NABU's detective department. 


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