
Explosions were heard in occupied Mariupol: situation was "hot" in the area of the enemy's base

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In occupied Mariupol, Ukraine, there were explosions and smoke near the Russian base, which prompted the occupation forces to redeploy and intensify inspections.

Explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Mariupol today, and the situation was "hot" in the area of the invaders' base near the city, which prompted the occupation forces to redeploy and intensify inspections, the Mariupol City Council was informed on Wednesday, UNN reports.

Cotton near Mariupol. Today, residents of all districts of occupied Mariupol heard explosions. According to preliminary information of the Mariupol resistance, it was hot in the area of dense occupants' base near Mariupol - along the line of Shevchenko village to Agrobaza village

- the city council reported on Telegram.

As noted, "it is not yet clear whether the smoke was caused by a hit or fallen debris from Russian air defense systems." "But the occupiers immediately began to redeploy and look for correctors.  In particular, car checks have intensified in the city center," the mayor's office said.

Пережив дві Світові війни, але не окупацію: росіяни розібрали один із найстаріших навчальних закладів Маріуполя29.04.24, 11:51


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