
Everything should be confiscated and work to protect against terror: Zelensky on frozen assets of Russia

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Ukrainian President Zelensky calls for the confiscation of frozen Russian assets to finance defense against Russian terrorism.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the frozen assets of the Russian Federation should be confiscated and used to defend against terror, UNN reports.

"... this applies to frozen Russian assets, both of the terrorist state and of persons associated with it. Everything should be confiscated and used to defend against terror. It is fair to respond to a terrorist. It is fair to destroy terrorists. And it is fair to make the terrorist state pay for what it does. And we are working with our partners as vigorously as possible to make a decision on Russian assets as soon as possible," Zelensky said in a video message.

Нам потрібні заморожені активи рф, а не заморожений конфлікт – Кулеба 17.01.24, 16:46


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