
EU calls for urgent audit of UNRWA after accusations of cooperation with Hamas

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The EU is calling for an urgent audit of UNRWA after Israeli accusations that agency staff participated in a Hamas attack. Brussels also plans to review the Agency's funding.

Following the Israeli authorities' statements about the participation of a number of UNRWA employees in the Hamas attack on October 7, the European Union intends to review the agency's funding. This was stated by the EC representative Eric Mamer, reports UNN.


The European Union has demanded an urgent audit of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) following Israeli allegations that some of its staff members participated in the Hamas attack.

WSJ: Ізраїль зруйнував 20% тунелів ХАМАСу під Сектором Гази29.01.24, 04:47

The audit should be conducted under the guidance of experts appointed by the European Commission (EC) and in parallel with the UN investigation into these allegations, said Eric Mamer. In addition, Brussels plans to reconsider the issue of funding the agency.

Meanwhile, Uwe Becker, the Hessian state commissioner for combating anti-Semitism, called for the dissolution of the UN Middle East Agency.

UNRWA is not an organization that helps Palestinians, but an organization that helps Palestinian terror. No other UN organization stands in the way of peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians as much as this agency, which transmits hatred of Israel from one generation of Palestinian children to the next and is personally linked to Hamas

- KNA quoted Becker as saying.

He called for the transfer of UNRWA's humanitarian tasks to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.


Following Israel's claims that 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7 attack by Hamas militants, ten countries, including the main donors - the United States and Germany, have already suspended funding for the agency. They also include Australia, Canada, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The UN is currently conducting an investigation into Israel's accusations.

Міжнародний суд ООН зобов'язав Ізраїль вжити заходів для запобігання актам геноциду в Газі26.01.24, 15:11

Anastasia Ryabokon

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