
Estonia may suspend the operation of a checkpoint on the border with russia due to increased queues

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Estonia may temporarily close its main border checkpoint with russia due to long queues where people wait for many hours to cross the border.

Estonia has said it is considering reopening the country's main border crossing with russia to ease congestion, which has forced some travellers to wait all night. UNN writes about this with reference to Bloomberg.


The city administration of Narva published a statement that as of 11 o'clock on Friday, about 400 people were waiting to cross the border with russia. At the same time, the Estonian authorities can only let about 150 people pass per hour. People waiting in line will be provided with bottled water, and a waiting room will be offered for mothers with children and pregnant women, the report says.

The Estonian border guard service has warned that the checkpoint in Narva may be closed. At the same time, its work has already been stopped this week.


The border checkpoint between Estonia and russia across the Narva River is currently open only to pedestrians, as this year russia stopped traffic on it.

The Estonian government has consistently discouraged residents from traveling to russia amid difficult political relations, but many continue to do so because members of the country's russian-speaking community have relatives on the other side of the border.


Estonia plans to ban russian citizens from buying real estate near strategically important objects and State defense facilities. it is noted that the Ministry of internal affairs has collected a number of examples of how countries that are hostile to Estonia acquire significant real estate abroad.

Естонія дозволила використовувати заморожені активи рф на користь України: президент підписав закон 30.05.24, 13:40


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