
Enemy troops fired 48 times in Sumy region overnight

 • 45289 переглядiв

During the night, Russian troops shelled 13 localities in Sumy region 48 times, resulting in 237 explosions and one civilian wounded.

On Tuesday, May 14, Russian troops fired 48 times at Sumy region. 237 explosions were recorded. There were hits in 13 communities in the region. This was reported by the RMA, UNN reports.


In Rechkivska and Znob-Novgorodska communities: the Russian army fired from cannon artillery (15 explosions).

Esmanska community: mortar shelling (22 explosions) and cannon artillery (3 explosions) were recorded.

Khotynska community: Russian soldiers dropped 4 mines on the territory of the community and fired with small arms and cannon artillery (4 explosions).

Novoslobidska community: an explosive device was dropped from a drone (1 explosion), and shelling from cannon artillery (3 explosions).

Velykopysarivska community: there were mortar attacks (39 explosions) and shelling with cannon artillery (22 explosions), an air strike (4 explosions).

Yunakivska community - Russian soldiers attacked with mortars (17 explosions), cannon artillery (7 explosions), Grad (7 explosions) and dropped explosives from a drone (2 explosions).

Seredyna-Budska community: there was a kamikaze-type drone attack (9 explosions), shelling with barrel artillery (7 explosions) and mortars (10 explosions).

Hlukhivska community: 8 mines were dropped by the Russian army on the territory of the community.

Krasnopilska community: shelling with cannon artillery (2 explosions) and mortars (3 explosions) was recorded.

Shalyhynska community: an explosive device was dropped from a drone (1 explosion) and shelling from cannon artillery (12 explosions).

Miropilska community: the enemy attacked with cannon artillery (3 explosions).

Druzhbivska community: shelling with Grad (7 explosions) and cannon artillery (17 explosions) A local resident was wounded as a result of the shelling.

Bilopilska community: there was a shelling with cannon artillery (8 explosions).

Військові цілодобово на зв'язку з адміністрацією Сумщини для захисту населення – голова ОВА14.05.24, 13:46

Lilia Podolyak



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