
Enemy fired at 20 settlements in Kharkiv region over the last day, 17 civilian infrastructure objects destroyed - JFO head

 • 21637 переглядiв

A Russian missile strike on a hotel in the village of Zolochiv, Kharkiv region, killed a two-month-old boy and wounded three women, the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration said.

The enemy fired at 20 localities in Kharkiv region this day. About 17 civilian infrastructure facilities were destroyed, including residential buildings. The head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Syniehubov, said this during a telethon, UNN reports.

"About 20 settlements were shelled this day. This is actually the border area. One of them is Zolochiv, where the enemy hit a three-story hotel with two S-300 missiles. About 17 civilian infrastructure objects were destroyed. Among them are residential buildings," said Syniehubov.

Ракетний удар рф по готелю на Харківщині: поранених жінок госпіталізовано, матір загиблого немовляти в хірургії - ОВА06.02.24, 10:42

He reminded that a two-month-old boy died as a result of the attack on the hotel, and three women were injured and are currently in hospital with moderate injuries.

The State Emergency Service units continue to dismantle the rubble of the hotel.


A Russian attack on Tokarivka in the Kherson region this morning claimed one lifeand wounded two others.


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