
Enemy channels distribute a fake document about the alleged evacuation of the leadership of the Kharkiv region - Center for Countering Disinformation

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Pro-russian channels spread fake news about an allegedly ordered evacuation of officials from certain settlements of the Kharkiv region in order to sow panic and destabilize the situation.

A fake document is being distributed in pro-russian publics about the alleged order of the head of the Kharkiv RMA to evacuate the heads of certain settlements of the region. About it UNN writes with reference to the Center for Countering Disinformation.


It is reported that enemy TG channels distribute photos of the alleged order of the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration Oleg Sinegubov to evacuate the leadership of certain settlements of the Kharkiv region. After verifying the information in the Kharkiv RMA, the Center for Countering Disinformation reported that the order was fake. In addition, the administration noted that the number 121 B (which is indicated in the professional document) in the RMA already has another order.

At the same time, the design of the so-called order and the use of the expressions "we order" and "general list" in the text of the document does not meet the requirements of business speech. 

This and other similar fakes are spread by rashists in order to sow panic among the population and destabilize the situation in the region

- the message says.


The Kharkiv regional military administration warned that unknown persons spread false information on behalf of the Kharkiv RMA regarding fees for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and stated that they did not send any such documents.

Пропагандисти рф поширюють дезінформацію про підготовку в Україні мобілізації жінок - ЦПД03.06.24, 15:34

Anastasia Ryabokon



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