
Enemy attacked 9 localities in Donetsk region over the last day: three people wounded

 • 24092 переглядiв

the Russian army fired 10 times at 9 settlements in Donetsk region, injuring three residents.

The Russian army attacked 9 localities in Donetsk region 10 times yesterday. In particular, the enemy dropped guided aerial bombs on Toretsk. As a result of Russian attacks, three residents of the region were injured over the day. UNN reports this with reference to the police of Donetsk region. 


In total, the enemy fired 1584 times at the localities of Donetsk region over the last day. 

The towns of Krasnohorivka, Toretsk, and the villages of Hannaivka, Karlivka, Kostyantynivka, Mykolaivka, Netaylove, Novoselivka Persha, and Romanivka came under fire. 

20 civilian objects were damaged, including 15 residential buildings, hangars of an agricultural enterprise, and cars.

Reportedly,  Russian invaders conducted an airstrike  on Novoselivka Persha, damaging an agricultural enterprise  and two private homes.

Residents of Krasnohorivka, Kostyantynivka and Romanivka were injured as a result of artillery shelling.

Russia dropped two FAB-500 guided missiles on Toretsk. 10 private houses were damaged.

The occupiers damaged three more houses in Mykolaivka, which was shelled by artillery.

На Запоріжжі дві людини поранені внаслідок артилерійського обстрілу ворога27.02.24, 07:26


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