
Emissions from hostilities in Ukraine reach 180 million tons of CO2 - Ministry of Environment

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Emissions from the hostilities on the territory of Ukraine have already amounted to 180 million tons of CO2, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine reported on Friday, UNN reports.


The Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine Ruslan Strilets said that "emissions from the hostilities on the territory of Ukraine already amount to 180 million tons of CO2".

In addition, the Minister informed about a number of documents that are being finalized in the field of climate policy and pave the way for European-style climate governance:

  • The Climate Policy Strategy until 2035 is being prepared for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers.
  • A climate law aimed at Ukraine's low-carbon development will soon be approved by the government and sent to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
  • Discussions on the draft Strategy for the Implementation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System in Ukraine until 2033 and its operational plan will start soon.
  • We are steadfastly committed to the Paris Agreement, despite the hostilities. This includes new financial mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement - we have already signed memorandums with such powerful players as Switzerland and Japan.
  • In terms of implementing the provisions of the Environmental Compact for Ukraine, the development of an Action Plan for its implementation is underway. The Environmental Compact is a set of 50 unified recommendations for Ukraine and the world that define approaches to compensation for environmental damage caused by hostilities and proposals for green recovery. 30 steps are to be taken by Ukraine, 20 with the support of our partners. According to Strilets, the Action Plan contains 66 points to be implemented by 2027. Most of the measures are expected to be implemented in 2024.

Збитки довкіллю від російських атак перевищують 2,4 трлн грн – міністр21.04.24, 00:02


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