
Demchenko told about the details of booking time slots for carriers

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An electronic queue with time intervals for buses crossing Ukraine's border with Romania and Moldova is already in place at most checkpoints, allowing carriers to register and preventing large crowds of buses at certain times.

An electronic queue with slotting for buses crossing the border of Ukraine with Romania and Moldova is already in place at most checkpoints. This was announced by the spokesman for the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, during a telethon, UNN reports.

At most checkpoints on the border with Romania and Moldova, the electronic queue for buses is already slotted

- Demchenko says.

He says that previously, the electronic queue was launched for buses, where carriers were registered solely so that the Ministry of Infrastructure, together with Ukrtransbezpeka, could analyze the movement of licensees transporting passengers and could then  block the possibility of passing through specific checkpoints at a specific time.

When there is a specific time for a driver to cross the border, it makes it impossible for a large number of buses to accumulate. To see what hours are available for slotting, you need to go to the eChezha website. Unregistered carriers are not allowed to cross the border on those routes where the electronic queue is in place. They must be registered

- Demchenko adds.

He says that there is currently no slotting on the border with Poland, except for the Yahodyn checkpoint, with Hungary, and with Slovakia, but vehicle registration in eCheck is still mandatory.

He added that passenger transportation conditions will also be checked.


Since the launch of the eChezha service, more than 100 thousand users from different countries, including drivers and carriers, have registered in the system . The eTurn mobile app has been downloaded over 84 thousand times.

єЧерга для автобусів: на 10 пунктах пропуску з Молдовою відсьогодні можна обрати час перетину кордону24.04.24, 10:11


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