
Demchenko: the border accepts a QR code of accounting documents, but border guards can also apply to the Oberig system

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Men can now cross the border by presenting a QR code in the Reserve+ app, but if necessary, border guards can also check the information through the Oberig system .

A small number of Men  have already crossed the border by dismantling a military registration document  with  A QR code in the "Reserve+" app . However, if necessary, border guards can contact the Oberig system.  this was stated on the air of the telethon by the speaker of the state border service Andrey Demchenko, reports UNN.

Since the 18th, with the advent of the QR code and the normalization of all issues at the legislative level, improvements made by the Ministry of Defense, the "Reserve+" application with a QR code is equated to a military registration document in electronic form and Border Guards also accept it at the border

Demchenko said. 

According to him, there are already men who arrive at the border and demonstrate the app, although the number of people who want to cross the border in this way is small. However, Demchenko noted that border guards in some cases can also turn to the Oberig system. 

"We double - check the information, if necessary, border guards can contact the Oberig system to check whether these documents are fake and make sure that the information is true," Demchenko said. 

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