
Defense forces repel attacks at Avdiivka and Kupyansk directions despite Russians' numerical superiority - Syrysky

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The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Minister of Defense visited the soldiers defending the Avdiivka and Kupyansk directions, where Russian troops have a numerical advantage, but the Ukrainian military are doing everything possible to prevent their further advance.

The Russian army continues to increase its efforts and has a numerical advantage in personnel. However, the Defense Forces are doing everything possible to prevent the enemy from advancing deeper into Ukraine. This was stated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi, who, together with Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, visited the soldiers holding the defense in the Avdiivka and Kupyansk directions, UNN reports


Reportedly, Syrsky and Umerov made a working visit to military units holding defense in the Avdiivka and Kupyansk sectors. 

The operational situation is extremely complicated and tense. The Russian occupiers continue to increase their efforts and have a numerical advantage in personnel. They do not count losses and continue to use the tactics of "meat assaults".  Thus, in the Avdiivka sector alone, Ukrainian Defense Forces repelled 29 attacks by Russian occupants yesterday

- wrote Syrsky on social media.

In addition, according to him, the enemy is actively using aviation, striking with guided aerial bombs, and conducting heavy mortar and artillery fire on our positions.


Syrskyi and Umerov listened to the commanders of brigades, tactical groups and groups engaged in defense operations in these areas. They jointly analyzed the available resources and needs of the troops. 

"Based on the results of the work, a number of important decisions were made aimed at strengthening the combat capabilities of our military units and preventing enemy actions," the Commander-in-Chief said. 

According to him, the Defense Forces are doing everything possible to "prevent the enemy from advancing deep into our territory and hold their positions. Despite the difficult situation, the Ukrainian Defense Forces are inflicting significant losses on the enemy."

"At the same time, we are taking  all possible measures to minimize our losses and save the lives of our soldiers," Syrsky said.

Україна перейшла до ведення оборони - Сирський13.02.24, 19:33


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