
Court remands Roman Hrynkevych in custody and sets bail at half a billion hryvnias

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Roman Hrynkevych, a suspect in a billion-hryvnia fraud case involving the purchase of clothing for the Armed Forces, was remanded in custody until March 17 by Kyiv's Pecherskyi District Court with the possibility of bail of UAH 500 million ($18 million).

The Pechersk District Court of Kyiv has remanded Roman Hrynkevych, a suspect in the case of UAH 1 billion worth of clothing for the Armed Forces, in custody until March 17, and set bail at over UAH 500 million, UNN reports.

Apply a preventive measure in the form of detention until March 17, 2024 to the suspect Grynkevich Roman Ihorovych. At the same time, determine the bail amounting to 500,001,528 hryvnias for Roman Ihorovych Hrynkevich 

- said the judge.


On January 17, the SBI informed about the suspicion of a Lviv businessman, one of the largest suppliers of the Ministry of Defense, and members of a criminal organization, in the case of equipment with clothes for the Armed Forces worth 1 billion hryvnias. It is, in particular, about Ihor Grynkevich and his son Roman.

On January 18, the son of Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevich Roman Hrynkevich was declared wanted. He is a suspect in the case of equipment with clothes for the Armed Forces worth UAH 1 billion.

On January 19, the Pechersk District Court of the city of Kyiv allowed Roman Hrynkevich, a suspect in criminal proceedings related to the supply of low-quality clothing for the Armed Forces, to be detained for preventive measures.

Today, January 22, it became known that Roman Hrynkevich was detained in Odessa while trying to leave the country.

Pavlo Bashynskyi

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