
Construction of fortifications: Head of Kyiv RMA tells how the efficiency of funds is controlled

 • 19809 переглядiв

The Kyiv Regional Military Administration and law enforcement agencies are constantly monitoring the transparency and efficiency of the use of funds for the construction of fortifications.

The Kyiv Regional Military Administration and law enforcement officers are constantly monitoring the effectiveness of the use of funds for the construction of fortifications, said Ruslan Kravchenko, head of the Kyiv RMA, on Tuesday, UNN reports.


"The Kyiv Regional Military Administration, together with law enforcement agencies, keep under constant control the transparency of the construction of fortifications, as well as the effective use of funds for these purposes," Kravchenko emphasized.

According to the head of the RMA, the construction of each of the military engineering structures and lines of non-explosive barriers "is carried out under the direct supervision of the military command in close daily interaction, at locations and defense lines determined by the command.

"We are also constantly considering this issue at meetings of the Transparency and Accountability working group with the participation of law enforcement and contractors," the official said.

According to the head of the RMA, the use of public funds for construction is constantly checked by the SBU, the State Bureau of Investigation and the NABU. "As part of the inspections, the Kyiv RMA provides law enforcement agencies with all the necessary documents and access to construction sites. Ensuring transparency and accountability at all stages is my principled position," Kravchenko emphasized.

In addition, according to him, representatives of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise are carrying out technical supervision of the construction. "All design and estimate documentation has been reviewed by Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise. Expert reports have been issued on the design and estimate documentation," the RMA head said.

"Acts of completion for the construction of fortifications will be closed only after the construction and technical expertise by state experts of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise," Kravchenko said.

"We will continue to monitor the process. We will hold another meeting of the Transparency and Accountability Group in the near future. We will consider all problematic issues. The construction of fortifications is an important security issue that affects both military and civilian lives," Kravchenko summarized.

Київська ОВА розриватиме договори з підрядниками, які зривають графіки відбудови об’єктів: Кравченко перевірятиме всі роботи особисто10.05.24, 19:21


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