
Classic winter weather is expected in Ukraine in the second decade of January - forecasters

 • 29666 переглядiв

In the second decade of January , "classic winter weather" will persist, but, according to preliminary forecasts, the temperature in the second month of winter will be higher than the climatic norm. This was reported by Natalia Ptukha, head of the media relations department of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center , during a briefing on Tuesday, UNN reports.

According to preliminary forecasts, we expect the following classic winter weather to persist in the second decade

- Ptukha said.

According to her, in principle, such weather for January is within the climatic norm. "But, according to our experts, back in early January, it was predicted that, most likely, given global processes, January, its average monthly temperature for Ukraine could be 1.5-2 degrees above the climatic norm. And although yes, we are seeing frosts now, the compensation, let's say, may be in the second half of January," she said.

Циклон відійшов, але з півночі прийде чергова порція арктичного повітря, морози залишаться - синоптики09.01.24, 12:14

Julia Shramko



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