
Cabinet of Ministers appoints Deputy Head of the Ministry of Health

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The Cabinet of Ministers appointed Ihor Kopach as Deputy Minister of Health and dismissed Inna Solodka from the post of State Secretary of the Ministry of Health.

At its meeting on March 1, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine made personnel decisions on the appointment of the Deputy Minister of Health and the dismissal of the State Secretary. This was reported by the government's representative in the Verkhovna Rada, Taras Melnychuk, on social media, UNN reports.

According to him, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution:

  • On the appointment of Ihor Mykolayovych Kopach as Deputy Minister of Health;
  • On the dismissal of Inna Solodka from the post of State Secretary of the Ministry of Health.

Уряд звільнив Солодку з посади держсекретаря МОЗ - нардеп 01.03.24, 13:12

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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