
British intelligence predicts a sharp increase in russian army losses after the resumption of the offensive in Ukraine

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russian military losses are expected to rise again as it resumes offensive operations in eastern Ukraine. Meanwhile, Russia's total losses since the beginning of the war have exceeded 465,000 people.

British intelligence predicts an increase in the level of combat losses of the russian army after the resumption of offensive operations in eastern Ukraine. This was reported by the British Ministry of Defense with reference to intelligence data, UNN reports.


The report states that the average daily number of russian casualties - killed and wounded - on the battlefield in Ukraine in April amounted to 899 people.

It is likely that over the next two months, the level of casualties among Russians will increase again as they resume targeted offensives in eastern Ukraine

- the report says.

This follows a slight slowdown in operations over the past two months following the capture of Avdiivka.

British intelligence estimates that the total number of russian casualties since the beginning of the full-scale war is now over 465,000.

It is likely that, despite the losses in manpower, Russia has fully adapted its armed forces to a war of attrition that emphasizes mass rather than quality. This reliance on mass will almost certainly continue throughout the war in Ukraine and will have long-term implications for the future of the Russian army

- the Ministry of Defense added.


The losses of the russian occupiers since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine have reached about 473,400 people, 7366 tanks and hundreds of pieces of military equipment, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

росія намагатиметься захопити Донецьку та Луганську області у поточному році, і може націлитися на Запоріжжя - ISW04.05.24, 10:51


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