
Biden did not support Macron's proposal to send Western troops to Ukraine for exercises - mass media

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Macron offered to send Western troops to Ukraine to train military personnel, but Biden expressed concern about a possible escalation and rejected the offer.

During a recent telephone conversation with President Joe Biden, French leader Emmanuel Macron suggested sending Western troops to Ukraine to train military personnel in the war zone. However, Biden did not support him. This is reported by POLITICO with reference to two sources familiar with the Conversation, reports UNN.


 The US president expressed concern about the potential consequences of sending troops from any NATO country to where they could be in the line of fire and lead to an escalation of the conflict.

According to the publication, the conversation ended without any decisions.

According to POLITICO, It was Macron who lobbied for sending troops to Ukraine to train Ukrainian fighters long before any consensus was reached on such a step.


Biden and Macron do not agree on a number of important issues: Macron plays a "ostentatious role" as a defender of European self-sufficiency. And he calls for policy options in Ukraine that make the Biden administration nervous.

Франція хоче долучитись до навчань українських військових, а про французькі війська в Україні не йдеться - Макрон06.06.24, 22:02


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