
Bangladesh's Central Bank Governor accuses oligarchs of “robbing” financial institutions of nearly $17 billion

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About Tk. 2 trillion (about USD 16.7 billion) was withdrawn from Bangladesh by providing loans to new shareholders and overstating import bills.

Writes UNN with reference to FT.

This is the largest bank robbery by any international standard. It has never happened on this scale anywhere else, and it was supported by the state, and it could not have happened without the security services putting a gun to the head (of the former bank executives)

- said the new Governor of the Central Bank of Bangladesh, Ahsan Mansur, in an interview with the Financial Times.

Mansur said that approximately $2 trillion ($16.7 billion) was siphoned out of Bangladesh, using methods such as loans to new shareholders and inflated import bills.


Mansur was appointed governor of Bangladesh Bank after Sheikh Hasina fled the country in June 2024. During this period, the armed forces' Directorate General of Intelligence helped to take control of large banks.

США заперечують причетність до повалення прем'єр-міністра Бангладеш Хасіни13.08.24, 10:53

Sheikh Hasina has been in power for a total of two decades in Bangladesh, a country of 170 million people and the world's second largest exporter of garments.

Her tenure was marked by allegations of electoral fraud, the imprisonment and torture of opponents, and widespread corruption. The former prime minister fled to India in August and her current whereabouts are unknown.

Бангладеш видав ордер на арешт експрем'єрки за злочини проти людяності під час протестів у країні18.10.24, 04:23


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