
Bad weather left without electricity more than 300 cities and villages in 7 regions of Ukraine

 • 21275 переглядiв

Due to the complication of weather conditions (wind gusts and rain), 312 settlements in 7 regions of Ukraine remained de-energized.

Due to the complication of weather conditions, 312 settlements in 7 regions of Ukraine were left without electricity, the state emergency service of Ukraine reported on Monday, UNN writes.


According to Ukrenergo, as indicated, due to the complication of weather conditions (wind gusts and rain) due to the operation of automatic power line protection systems, 312 settlements in 7 regions (Sumy -174, Kiev – 53, Poltava – 28, Chernihiv - 21, Zhytomyr – 16, Cherkasy – 13 and Kirovohrad – 7) were de-energized.

Regional power engineering teams are involved in restoring electricity supply.

По Україні сьогодні буде до 32° тепла, місцями дощі - синоптики03.06.24, 08:30


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