
Aviation of the Defense Forces carried out 16 strikes against Russians - General Staff

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Over the past day, Ukrainian aviation carried out 16 strikes on Russian troops, hitting 13 areas of troop concentration and 3 enemy command posts, and Ukrainian missile forces destroyed 1 command post and 2 Russian artillery installations.

Over the past day, the aviation of the Defense Forces struck 13 areas of concentration of the Russian army personnel and 3 enemy control points. This was reported in the morning report by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, UNN reports.


Missile troops also struck at the Ukrainian territory:

  • one control point,
  • two enemy artillery pieces.

За добу на фронті відбулося 97 бойових зіткнень, українські воїни відбили 28 атак на авдіївському напрямку - Генштаб03.05.24, 20:01


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