
ARMA to transfer 148 Medvedchuk paintings to the National Museum and sell 136

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The Asset Recovery and Management Agency will transfer 148 of Medvedchuk's paintings to the National Art Museum of Ukraine. 136 paintings that do not have significant cultural value will be sold through Prozorro.Sale.

The Asset Recovery and Management Agency will donate 148 paintings by traitor Medvedchuk to the National Art Museum of Ukraine to preserve cultural heritage, and sell 136. This was reported by the ARMA, UNN writes.

"The Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) has received expert opinions on the seized paintings (within the framework of one court order) that belonged to the traitor Viktor Medvedchuk," ARMA writes.

Out of 284 arrested paintings:

148 paintings will be transferred to the National Art Museum of Ukraine to become the property of future generations of Ukrainians.

Майже всі - твори відомих українських митців: понад 100 картин з колекції медведчука мають культурну цінність21.05.24, 22:08

136 paintings that do not have significant cultural value will be sold through Prozorro.Sale. The proceeds will be used for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Твори Труша та Ерделлі: музейний фонд України поповниться сотнею картин, вилучених у медведчука05.06.24, 09:47


The Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) has announced competitions to select appraisers and managers for Viktor Medvedchuk's seized property. This includes factories, a sports center, apartments and a house in different regions of Ukraine.

Iryna Kolesnik



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