
Andrii Sybigu was appointed the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

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The Verkhovna Rada has appointed Andriy Sybiga to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. 258 MPs voted in favor of his candidacy.

The Verkhovna Rada has appointed Andriy Sybiga to the post of head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, reports UNN .

“ 258 MPs voted in favor of the appointment of Andriy Sybiga as Minister of Foreign Affairs. 


Sibiga served as Deputy Head of the Presidential Office for three years, where he was in charge of foreign policy and strategic partnership development, and only in April 2024 he moved to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Prior to joining the Office of the President, Mr. Sibiga was Ukraine's ambassador to Turkey, worked in the consular service, was deputy director of the M3C's Contractual and Legal Department, and was a Minister-Counselor at the Ukrainian Embassy in Poland.

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Iryna Kolesnik



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