
All repatriated bodies of soldiers are registered and identified - Commissioner for Missing Persons

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All the bodies of fallen soldiers who were repatriated to Ukraine are being investigated and identified. This was emphasized by the Commissioner for Persons Missing in Special Circumstances Artur Dobroserdov during a discussion at the Media Center Ukraine, UNN reports.


"We hear various conversations, the last thing citizens asked us at our meetings, someone who launched the ISIS, was whether it is true that bodies that are transferred for repatriation, if they cannot be identified quickly, are transferred to a crematorium so that Ukraine cannot calculate and announce the losses of its military personnel. I am definitely ready to say that this is not the case, and each body is being accounted for, and work is underway to find out who it is," Dobrocerdov emphasized.

росія блокує не тільки обмін полоненим, а й репатріацію тіл загиблих військових - Координаційний штаб20.05.24, 20:07

Julia Shramko



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