
Air quality in Kyiv is gradually returning to normal - Ministry of Environment

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As of the evening of September 20, the smoke that was observed in Kyiv in the morning has almost disappeared. The situation is normalizing, and the indicators are already approaching normal. This was stated by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Svitlana Hrynchuk during a telethon, UNN reports.

"Fortunately, it is a situational issue. What happened today and may still happen depends on the weather conditions, but the situation is normalizing. As soon as it became warmer and there was a little more wind, we saw that there was practically no smoke in the capital. You can still feel the combustion products in the air, but the indicators are still approaching normal. The situation on the right bank is slightly better. The situation on the left bank is a little worse, with some excess of the norm," said Hrynchuk.

She emphasized the need to develop an air monitoring system, as this will allow for a proper response to air pollution concentrations.


In the morning, a temporary deterioration in air quality was observed in the capital due to an increase in the concentration of suspended particles.

The probable cause of the temporary deterioration in air quality in the capital was forest fires in the Dubechansky, Novosilkovsky, and Fenevytsky forestries of Kyiv region, as well as seasonal temperature drops.

The State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" statedthat all fires on the territories of the state enterprise in Kyiv region have been eliminated. The smog in the capital was caused by other reasons, and the air quality deteriorated due to other factors.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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