
A woman who desecrated the graves of fallen soldiers was sent to a psychiatric hospital

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A 60-year-old woman who desecrated the graves of Da Vinci, juice and Pavel Petrichenko was sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

The woman who smashed the graves of military personnel Dmitry Kotsyubailo "Da Vinci", Andrey Pilshchikov "juice" and Pavel Petrichenko was sent to a psychiatric hospital. According to UNN, this is reported by Suspilne with reference to the Kiev City Prosecutor's office.


It is reported that the Kiev City Prosecutor's office filed a petition with the Court to send a woman who committed an act of vandalism on the graves of fallen soldiers to a psychiatric hospital. According to the court's decision, the woman will be treated for 60 days - until August 19.

Earlier, this woman was declared suspicious. After receiving the results from the doctors, a request will probably be filed to place the woman in a medical facility, taking into account her state of Health .


A 60 — year-old woman is suspected under Part 3 of Article 297 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine-abuse of a grave committed with hooligan motives.  on the morning of June 20, on the territory of Askold's grave in Kiev, she committed an act of vandalism on the graves of the fallen defenders of Ukraine – Dmitry Kotsyubail with the call sign da Vinci, Andrey Pilshchikov with the call sign juice, and Pavel Petrichenko.

The sanction of the article provides for up to seven years in prison, but now the woman is assigned a psychiatric examination, which should determine whether she is a defendant.

З могили наймолодшого захисника "Азовсталі" вкрали іграшку: поліція з'ясовує ситуацію06.06.24, 15:09

Anastasia Ryabokon

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