
A racketeer was detained in Cherkasy who took a Tesla car from an entrepreneur and demanded UAH 1.5 million

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A racketeer who extorted UAH 1.5 million in non-existent debt from an entrepreneur was detained in Cherkasy. This was reported by the Prosecutor General's Office, UNN reports.


In Cherkasy, a local resident was served a notice of suspicion on the facts of extortion and illegal seizure of a vehicle, combined with the threat of violence (Part 4 Art. 189, Part 3 Art. 289 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). He is currently in custody without the right to be released on bail.

According to the investigation, the suspect, threatening physical violence, demanded UAH 1.5 million in non-existent debt from the co-owner of a passenger transportation company. He acted in the interests of the victim's business partner, to whom the latter allegedly owed this amount of money.

He forced the entrepreneur to write a receipt for the transfer of a Tesla car, the keys to the vehicle, and a registration certificate as collateral and a guarantee of the money transfer

- the prosecutor's office added.

Law enforcement officers detained the suspect in one of the regional center's establishments while he was transferring a part of the "debt" in the amount of USD 20 thousand.


A group of drug traffickers in Ternopil region sold 3.5 kg of psychotropic drugs every month, earning $10 thousand. Law enforcement seized 10 kg of substances worth UAH 10 million. The suspects face up to 12 years in prison.

У Києві арештували банду рекетирів, яку очолював громадянин рф26.09.24, 18:20


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