
A matter of survival: Galushchenko discusses with Japanese Ambassador operational assistance for recovery and preparation for winter

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Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko discussed with Japanese officials the restoration of damaged energy systems and winterization, thanking Japan for its assistance and requesting additional equipment and cooperation to strengthen the protection of energy facilities.

Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko met with Japanese Ambassador to Ukraine Matsuda Kuninori and Chief Representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) office in Ukraine Matsunaga Hideki to discuss the restoration of damaged power systems and winterization. This is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy, UNN reports.


According to the press service of the Ministry of Energy, Herman Halushchenko met with Ambassador of Japan to Ukraine Matsuda Kuninori and Chief Representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) office in Ukraine Matsunaga Hideki.

Thermal generation suffered the biggest losses, and targeted shelling of hydropower facilities continues. The situation is quite complicated, and it is very important to restore the facilities as much as possible before the start of winter, as well as to increase the capacity of distributed generation locally. It is a matter of our survival 

- Galushchenko said during the meeting.

The Minister thanked the Japanese partners for the assistance already provided, including gas turbines and autotransformers, and noted the importance of recent agreements to supply more than 100 large generators with a total capacity of over 130 MW to Ukraine.

They discussed the possibility of attracting additional assistance from JICA in the form of equipment, as well as cooperation to strengthen the physical protection of energy facilities. Representatives of the Japanese side emphasized that assistance to the Ukrainian energy sector is one of Japan's priorities, which was confirmed at a recent meeting in Tokyo between Herman Galushchenko and Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa 

- the ministry said.


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