
59 clashes have already taken place at the front, Russians have become more active in the Kharkiv direction-General Staff

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Since the beginning of the day, 59 military clashes have occurred at the front, and the Russians have intensified in the Kharkiv direction. In the Pokrovsky direction, the hottest - there the number of battles increased to 27.

Since the beginning of the day, 59 military clashes have already taken place at the front. The greatest activity of the patient is observed in the Pokrovsky direction, where the number of battles has increased to 27 today.  the Russians have also become more active in the Pokrovsky direction. This is stated in the summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 13.30 on June 3, reports UNN

Since the beginning of the day, the total number of military clashes on the line of combat contact is 59.  The Enemy has become more active in The Kharkiv direction. The Battle of Liptsy continues

- the General Staff said in a statement.

On Kupyansky direction the number of enemy attacks increased to four, three of them in the areas of Nevsky and Serebryansky Forestry continue. The enemy uses Kabs and unguided missiles in the areas of Seversk, Kupyansk and Sinkovka.

The enemy has also become more active in the Seversky direction, where the total number of enemy attacks today has increased to eight, six of which continue in the Razdolovka area. 

Clashes continue in The Kramatorsk direction.

On Pokrovsky direction the hottest. The number of fights today has increased to 27, of which 13 continue. The greatest enemy activity is in the area of Novoaleksandrovka and Sokol. The enemy uses aviation.

In the Vremovsky direction, the enemy, with the support of aviation, moved to active operations.

In the Orekhovsky direction, three enemy attempts to improve their positions in the areas of Rabotyn and Malaya Tokmachka were repulsed. The enemy used aviation.

On the Dnieper direction two enemy attacks were repelled in the area of Krynok.

Ще плюс 1270 окупантів і 14 танків: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати ворога03.06.24, 07:20

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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