
32 Ukrainian journalists are in captivity in Russia - ICIP

 • 101906 переглядiв

32 Ukrainian journalists are being held captive in Russia, and negotiations are underway for their immediate release, the acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy said.

According to the ICIP, 32 media representatives are being held captive, and negotiations are underway for their immediate release. This was reported by the acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy Rostyslav Karandeyev during his visit to Zaporizhzhia region, UNN reports .


Rostyslav Karandeyev said that, according to the ICIP, 32 media representatives are in captivity. He emphasized that negotiations are ongoing to ensure their speedy return.

During his visit to Zaporizhzhia region, acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy Rostyslav Karandieiev met with representatives of the local media. They discussed support for regional media.

The revival of Ukraine begins in the regions. Therefore, we must start these processes now, in particular, by involving those who will broadcast this revival, interpret the changes and contribute to the formation of critical thinking in society. We are already preparing the budget declaration for the next year, which will place a serious emphasis on financial support for regional media, including print media,

- Rostyslav Karandeyev said.

He also commented on the situation with Telegram and TikTok channels. According to him, there are currently about 350 hostile Telegram channels, and several dozen have already been blocked.


The Ministry of Culture has granted and critical status to TV channels participating in the United News telethon, allowing their employees to receive deferrals from mobilization.


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