
Zelenskyy discusses long-range missile and air defense supplies with US congressmen

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President Zelenskiy discussed the need for long-range weapons and air defense systems such as the Patriot during a meeting with U.S. congressmen in Kyiv on Friday.

President Zelenskyy discussed the supply of long-range weapons and air defense systems during a meeting with U.S. congressmen in Kyiv on Friday. He said this in an evening video address, UNN reports .


We discussed the need to support this year's and the new US package, which is still under discussion, critical issues. Also, air defense, namely Patriots. And the third, key issue - I emphasized the importance of the range of our weapons, in particular ATACMS for 300 kilometers, for which, unfortunately, there is no decision yet

Zelensky said.

He thanked American leaders and their contribution to the defense of Ukraine.  

We appreciate American leadership and its contribution to the defense of Ukraine's independence and democracy since the first days of the full-scale war. America helped Ukraine to survive at a crucial moment

the Head of State said.

Зеленський зустрівся зі Шмигалем і обговорив проблеми Кіровоградщини09.02.24, 22:25


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