
Zelenskyy comments on China's intentions to promote an alternative formula for peace

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Zelenskyy said that Ukraine's peace formula is based on territorial integrity, sovereignty, nuclear and food security, but if China has an alternative view, they can prepare an alternative peace formula, indicating openness to dialogue if their views coincide at the global level.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the Ukrainian formula for peace is based on the principles of territorial integrity, sovereignty, nuclear and food security, but if China has an alternative view on this, they can prepare an alternative formula for peace. Zelensky said this during a joint press conference with US President Joe Biden, UNN reports .


You know very well the details of our peace plan, which is open to all. It is based on the UN charter. And you know that it is based on the following principles: territorial integrity, sovereignty, nuclear security, food security. If  China has an alternative view on this, they can prepare an alternative formula for peace. If we share a common view on this, globally with the whole world, if they share this path to peace, then we can find an opportunity for dialogue

Zelensky said.


China is not only skipping the Peace Summit for Ukraine this weekend, but is also lobbying governments in favor of its alternative plan for how to end the war in Ukraine.

Китайський юань офіційно став головною іноземною валютою росії, замінивши долар та євро13.06.24, 16:55 • [views_15831]

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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