
Zelensky signs laws extending martial law and mobilization in Ukraine

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signs laws extending martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine until May 13 due to Russia's full-scale invasion.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a bill to extend martial law in Ukraine from February 14 for 90 days, or until May 13. This is stated in the map of the bill, UNN reports.


The Head of State signed Law No. 10456 on the extension of martial law and Law No. 10457 on the extension of the general mobilization period.

Accordingly, both deadlines have been extended from February 14, 2024, by 90 days, until May 13, 2024.


This was the tenth decision on martial law and general mobilization since the beginning of the full-scale war.

For reference

Martial law was introduced in Ukraine due to the full-scale invasion of Russia, which took place on February 24, 2022. This is a special legal regime that provides for the granting of powers to state authorities, military command, military administrations and local governments necessary to avert the threat.

General mobilization is an operational mechanism for replenishing the ranks of the Armed Forces, which is carried out simultaneously throughout Ukraine.

During this period, all citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 (mostly men) who are able to perform military duty are subject to mobilization.

Кабмін вніс до Верховної Ради мобілізаційний законопроєкт: детальний розбір31.01.24, 08:15


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