
Zelensky on mobilization: it is primarily a matter of justice

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In an interview with the British TV channel Channel 4 News, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that mobilization is primarily a matter of justice. He emphasized the importance of proper training and informing personnel about their role in the army.

Mobilization is first and foremost a matter of justice, because it is unfair to bypass when someone dies for you, and it is fair that a person should know where they are going, for how long and how well they will be prepared. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said this in an interview with the British TV channel Channel 4 News, according to a UNN correspondent.   

I would still like to stick to the understanding of what it is (mobilization - ed.) for different segments of society. First of all, it is a matter of justice. Because there are people who have been at war from the first day, and the fact that they do not complain does not mean that there is no possibility for people to replace them, to rest... They deserve justice, to be replaced by others. If there are not enough trained, professional people, then people need to be given a tool, the military should be given a tool in the form of mobilization, so that they can mobilize a part of society and then prepare them. 

- Zelensky said.


The President noted that it is very important to prepare people, not just throw them on the battlefield.

Арахамія пояснив, чому законопроєкт про мобілізацію відправили на доопрацювання12.01.24, 23:20

That is why the law on mobilization is important, reasonable and fair. It is necessary for the military, and you cannot just say: well, their army is enough for them. This is simply not fair and not just. First of all, it is very important to tell people where they (the military - ed.) are going, that they will be trained, that they will have enough of everything. He can't just go in the dark, just go and not know the way out. Not knowing how long he is going for, etc. There are a lot of questions. The whole story of mobilization is, first of all, a question of justice. It's fair to replace someone, it's fair for someone to rest. It is unfair to bypass someone who is dying for you, and it is fair that a person should know where he or she is going, for how long, how well they will be prepared, who will prepare them. 

- Zelensky said.


Deputy Defense Minister Natalia Kalmykova reported on January 15 that a new version of the draft law on mobilization would be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada in a few weeks. 

Anna Murashko



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