
Zaporizhzhia attacked with rockets, there are destructions - OVA

 • 38087 переглядiв

Russian troops launch a missile attack on Zaporizhzhia, damaging civilian infrastructure. There are no reports of casualties so far. The type of missile used is still under investigation.

The Russian military attacked Zaporizhzhia with missiles. There are hits to civilian infrastructure. This was reported on the social network Telegram was written by the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration Yuriy Malashko, UNN reports.

the russian military has launched a missile attack on the regional center. As a result of the attack civilian infrastructure was damaged. There was no information on casualties.

- Malashko said.


The regional center Russians attacked in the evening at 18:38.

According to the According to the head of the JMA, it was a rocket attack, but the type of projectile is still being established.


Russian occupants continued to attack Zaporizhzhia region yesterday. The invaders attacked  139 times, including 21 attacks by unmanned aerial vehicles.  Є destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure. 

Tatiana Salganik



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