
Whether Ukraine plans to restore the military prosecutor's office and military courts-said the committee on law enforcement

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The possibility of restoring the military prosecutor's office and creating a specialized institution for judges who will consider cases of war crimes, ensuring proper expertise and qualifications, is being considered.

There are certain consultations on the form in which the military prosecutor's office can exist. Work will also be carried out to create a certain "institution" so that military  crimes are considered by judges who have the necessary specialization for this . This was stated by the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on law enforcement Sergey Ionushas on the air of the telethon, reports UNN

Now we are holding some consultations with the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, working with our colleagues on the form in which the military prosecutor's office can, and will, exist as such

- said the MP. 

As for military courts, according to him, this is "a difficult and complex process", because there are not even enough civilian judges in Ukraine yet. However, the MP believes that judges who have the necessary specialization and qualifications should consider cases of war crimes. 

"Therefore, we plan to work together with the Supreme Court, the High Council of justice with colleagues from the committee on legal policy in order to make a certain institution for judges who consider  cases where additional knowledge is needed to resolve this issue now," the MP said.

Військова поліція зможе зупиняти тільки автомобілі, які належать військовим чи Міноборони - голова профільного комітету ВР26.06.24, 11:17


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