On Friday, December 27, cloudy weather with fog and sleet is expected in Ukraine. This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, UNN reports .
Today, weather forecasters are predicting light rain and sleet, as well as light ice in the far south of the country and in the northern, Khmelnytsky, Chernivtsi, Vinnytsia and Cherkasy regions.
No significant precipitation in the rest of the country.
In the morning and in the first half of the day in the northern part and in some places in the western regions there will be fog. Northeast wind (northwest in the west and north of the country), 5-10 m / s.
Daytime temperatures will range from 3° Celsius to 2° Celsius, with 4-9° Celsius in the Carpathians (1-6° Celsius in Zakarpattia and Crimea).
In the Kyiv region, it is also cloudy, with light ice, and no significant precipitation during the day,” forecasters warn.
Daytime temperatures in the region range from 3° Celsius to 2° Celsius.
The temperature in Kyiv is around 0° during the day.