
We need a resolute NATO and strong support for Ukraine: Kuleba welcomes appointment of Rutte as new NATO Secretary General

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Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba welcomed the appointment of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the next NATO Secretary General, expressing hope for strong and lasting support for Ukraine in its fight for freedom and on its path to joining the Alliance.

Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba welcomed the allies' decision to appoint Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the next NATO Secretary General and added that ensuring strong and long-term support for Ukraine is "in our common interests," UNN reports.

"Against the backdrop of the most serious threats to the security of the Euro-Atlantic community in this century, we all need a strong, united and resolute NATO, acting as a single family of free nations. It is also in our common interest to provide strong and lasting support to Ukraine in its fight for freedom and on its path to joining the Alliance," Kuleba said.

The Ukrainian Foreign Minister noted that Jens Stoltenberg has played and continues to play a crucial role in achieving both goals as NATO Secretary General.

"We are confident that when Mark Rutte takes up his post in October, he will continue to promote shared Euro-Atlantic values and achieve many significant successes along the way. I congratulate Mr. Rutte on the decision of Allies to appoint him as the next Secretary General and wish him every success in his new post," Kuleba added.

Зеленський привітав Рютте із затвердженням на посаді Генсека НАТО і очікує продовження спільної роботи26.06.24, 13:19


NATO Allies elected Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the next NATO Secretary General.

Antonina Tumanova



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