
Verkhovna Rada adopts draft law on mobilization

 • 105483 переглядiв

Ukraine's parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, has passed a draft law on mobilization/

The Verkhovna Rada has passed a draft law on mobilization on Thursday, UNN reports.


283 MPs voted for it.

MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak noted that the draft law was approved in the version adopted by the committee on national security.

"All the 31 amendments taken into account received votes for confirmation. No intrigue except for the demobilization amendment (there are 227)," the MP wrote on social network.

He also reported how the factions voted:

·       Servant of the people - 192

·       ES - 0

·       Batkivshchyna - 2

·       Platform for life and peace - 18

·       Holos - 16

·       Recovery - 16

·       For the future - 12

·       Trust - 15

·       Non-fractional - 12

Before that, the Verkhovna Rada removed the provision on demobilization from the draft law.


The spokesman of the Ministry of Defense, Dmytro Lazutkin, reported that the drafting of a separate bill on the demobilization of servicemen will take up to eight months, according to the order of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security. Work on the draft law will be carried out in cooperation between the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, as the General Staff has a complete picture, situation and prospects.


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